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he latest Zogby Poll of self-identified Democrats (April 21, 2007) claims 51% favor amnesty for illegal aliens, with 29% opposing any form of guest worker program that would lead to citizenship. A Washington Post poll taken in mid-April, 2007 found that 81% of those polled said the federal government was not doing enough to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration. With the media siding with the amnesty crowd, the Post survey found that 62% of those polled believed that the illegals already in the country should be allowed to apply for legal immigration status. Thirty-five percent said the illegals should be deported. The same Zogby Poll—on the views of all Americans—indicated that 59% of those polled want the federal government must crack down on illegals by toughening the enforcement of existing immigration enforcement laws, deporting illegal immigrants and prosecuting employers who illegally hire undocumented workers.

Fifty-four percent of Americans questioned in a Bloomberg Poll believe illegal aliens harm the US economy. Fifty-three percent of California voters—one of the three most liberal States in the country—favor rounding up and deporting illegals. Sixty-four percent of registered US voters questioned in a Polling Company survey taken on Oct. 2, 2006 said Congress needs to reduce the number of aliens allowed to enter the United States. To a majority of American citizens—both white and black—illegal aliens are the number one problem facing this nation. Sixty-six percent of those questioned in the Oct. 2, 2006 poll agreed that the population increases caused by the current level of immigration—both legal and illegal—will negatively impact the quality of life in the United States by causing more congestion, overcrowding, pollution—and lower income levels as more people compete for fewer available jobs.

A Pittsburgh Tribune-Review poll taken between July 11-18, 2006 indicated that 71% of US citizens polled are convinced that illegal aliens pose a significant threat to the United States. Sixty-seven percent of those polled want the federal government to deport illegal immigrants back to the country they came from—with 77% of those polled expressing concern that the federal government is not doing enough to keep illegal aliens from getting into this country.

In my opinion, if we want to stop illegal immigration, we need to make examples of the illegals who come here. Not just by sending them back where they came from, but sending them to even more undesirable places around the world. We could deport them to the Mideast—or, better yet, send them to Antarctica. When the illegals realize they are going to end up in a slightly different, much colder version, of Paradise—minus the free medical and welfare benefits they thought they would get—they would think twice about coming. In the Mideast they could end up as cannon fodder for Al Qaeda's roadside bombs. Deportation destinations like that might make them realize they didn't really have it all that bad in the Central or South American country they came from. Particularly since most of America's jobs (those that didn't ended up in China) are safely polluting the skies over the countries they are leaving. If jobs are what they want, there are more opportunities for work in the emerging nations than in the United States.

Most of the illegals that sneak across our borders aren't looking for work, they are looking for the fabled American "free ride"—a country with a government that has so much money it gives it away just for showing up to claim it.

Of course, nobody's really all that interested in my opinion—least of all Uncle Sam. Why? Because Congress has its own problems with the issue of illegal immigration—how to grant amnesty to 15 million illegal aliens and create a path to citizenship for yet another 100 million western hemisphere aliens (many of whom are not even born yet) over the next two decades without losing their jobs for selling out the American people. Congress is indebted to the transnational bankers, industrialists and merchant princes for the political contributions that have kept them in office. The transnationalists who are behind the scheme to create world government desperately need the human capital of the third world to replace the 67 million taxpayer-consumers we callously aborted between 1973 and 2006. It should now come as a surprise to no one that—contrary to the views of the Rockefeller Foundation that almost single-handedly engineered the legalization of the abortion industry—it appears that we really did need all of those aborted babies after all.

Redefining wealth in terms of human capital

In 1994 the World Bank began the tedious process of redefining the nature of wealth and, with it, the very nature of government. Change was needed to accommodate the evolving needs of the emerging global society. The money barons of the world are now successfully recasting the role of national government in the development of a utopian global zollverein—or world economic commonwealth that will bond all of the world's nations together into a global super state. Key to this transformation is human capital—the equitable distribution of educated and/or skilled workers and potential tax payers throughout the world (i.e., human capital management) from the human capital-rich poverty-stricken third world nations to the asset-based industrial nations.

The global debate about the fair distribution of human capital throughout the world has waged for the past four decades as the third world demanded both new loans and the recusal from old debt from the industrialized nations to educate their illiterate masses in order to elevate them from the squalor of poverty and prepare them for their entrance into the industrial world of the 21st century. In the past, the human capital of the industrialized nations was deemed to be more valuable since they were educated and skilled workers.

Why a debate at all? Because with all the talk from environmentalists who have insisted since the 1962 publication of The Population Bomb by ecoalarmist Stanford economics instructor Paul Ehrlich that the planet was so overpopulated that by 2000 half of the world would be starving and the other half would be killing each other for what little morsels of food were left, the Rockefeller Foundation—which fanned the population fever—pushed for the legalization of abortion in the industrialized nations, and the use of UN funds to reduce the populations of the undeveloped nations of the world that were people rich and capital-asset poor.

As a result, the industrialized nations have seen a devastating decline in human capital since 1973. Abortion, and the consequences of abortion, have claimed 67,000,000 potential taxpayers and consumers in the United States. (The total includes both those babies which were actually aborted and the offspring they did not have because they were not allowed to be born, grow up, marry and have children of their own.) What that means is that the United States has a population replenishment level of .7—which means for every 10 people who die, we are producing only 7 new babies. We can't sustain our economy because we aren't creating enough taxpayers to keep the government afloat, nor are we creating enough consumers to make the industrial plants that are now leaving the United States, profitable. It is even worse in Europe, which legalized abortion long before the United States. The population replenishment level in the European Union is .6, while nations like Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have replenishment levels of about 50%.

What that means is that if those countries can't find a way to expedite the importation of a substantial amount of human capital, they will soon be able to lock the doors and shut down the country since there won't be enough human capital and real capital left to sustain them. The younger generations of Europe who survived a prenatal saline bath or the abortionist's scalpel are fleeing the uncertain opportunities of life in what is fast becoming an Islamic Europe. Many of them are migrating to the United States in search of jobs that escaped America before they arrived. Why the jobs drain? NAFTA provided the swinging door, but not the impetus.

Declining productivity and tax generation

Industrialists, bankers, and societal planners have been watching the decay of our core urban industrial centers for decades. With it, they've struggled with the dysfunctionalism of fiscally destabilizing urban-suburban and rural-suburban sprawl, the ghettoization of class and race in the urban and urban-suburban centers, and the rapid erosion of both the tax base and consumer productivity nationwide.

What that means is that, since 1974, we have not been creating enough people to buy the products our factories could manufacture if those factories were churning out goods at 100% of capacity. Nor are we creating enough taxpayers to carry the growing tax load of a nation that wants to give its poorest citizens the great American dream at the expense of the middle class. That's why the Social Security system will be totally bankrupt in 2039 as a result of when the baby boomers (who were born at the end of World War II) drain what's left of the Social Security Trust Fund. How could that happen? Because the money was stolen by Lyndon Johnson's Great Society to fund the welfare revolution that deliberately shackled four generations of poor Americans to the feeding troughs of the bureaucracy. Sadly, money squandered is money gone. Drawers full of IOUs can't be cashed when the Federal Reserve can't sell the debt bond issues needed to generate the currency that will keep those Social Security from bouncing. Why can't the Fed cover the checks? Not enough taxpayers to pay the bill. What is the solution? Find more taxpayers—quickly.

Unfortunately for working class America, the problem of declining productivity and tax generation is not due entirely to the abortionist's scalpel. It's also due to the greed of transnational industrialists, bankers, and merchant princes who realized in the 1970s and 80s that the factories in the industrialized nations were churning out goods at 63% of capacity because the affluent nations had devolved into a replacement market. In America, everyone already had everything—or they can't afford anything. They buy to replace existing products when they wear out, become obsolete, or because they wanted more than one—like TVs, stereos, CDs, DvD players or cars. Look in your driveway. How many cars are there? When I look in my driveway, there are five cars. We have three TVs, two portable DvD players, four computers, two VCRs, two cell phones and an assortment of nondescript gadgets that everyone else has two or three of. Out in the garage are two or three more TVs. Also stacked there waiting for the trashman are several obsolete electronic gadgets, assorted pieces of furniture and boxes filled with replaced household items that should have been thrown out long ago. We're replacement people in a replacement society. That's the problem. We are being replaced.

In the emerging nations of the world there are a half trillion units of human capital who've never owned an iPod—or even a wrist watch. Most of them have never owned a TV set since their homes don't have electricity. Which means they likely have never owned an electric dishwasher or washing machine or dryer—or, for that matter, an electric lamp or a ceiling fan. They are true human capital—the ideal consumer. They have nothing and need everything. All they lack are jobs.

Providing jobs for mankind

NAFTA, the most crooked shell game ever concocted by the world's elite, was specifically designed to provide the human capital of the third world with jobs. Our jobs. The chattel of the third world has become the most valuable asset in the 21st century. They have nothing and need everything.

We, on the other hand—the most affluent nation on Earth—have everything and need nothing. If you headed the largest mercantile company in the world, to which consumer would you target your marketing? Affluent America or China, Mexico, Indonesia or the other densely populated third world nations? With the largest job transfer in the history of mankind taking place, the impoverished of the third world will shortly be able to buy all of the modern day conveniences that we take for granted. In the meantime, NAFTA was designed as a swinging door that would allow America's wealthiest companies—built with the sweat equity of the American worker—to export not only jobs but entire factories to the third world and China. And, as the swinging door swung back, NAFTA guaranteed that the American branded products made with cheap third world labor could come back into the country without any tariffs. And, of course, they returned as recognizable American brands which, if you weren't checking the small print on the box or package, you'd think were still being made here in the good ol' US-of-A.

The biggest tragedy of all is that the American consumer has been buying these products since 1994. They are products created somewhere else—with their jobs. Why do they buy them? Because, several consumers have told me, they're cheaper. And, because many of these American consumers have been "downsized" they argue in defense of what they know is wrong, they can't afford to buy American. Which, of course, only sped up the exodus of more jobs. When American products sit on store shelves, or worse—aren't stocked by American retailers—we are simply speeding up the demise of this nation by financially hamstringing what small and medium manufacturers are left.

This, however, created a brand new problem in the United States. We can't afford to lose any more jobs—or taxpayers.

The push to find taxpayers

When the debate about Social Security framed the mid-term election rhetoric in 2002, the Bush Administration insisted that the Social Security Trust Fund was bankrupt, and that the concept of Social Security had to be modernized with individual savings accounts that would prevent liberal tax-and-spend legislators from stealing the money as they did the Social Security Trust Fund from 1964 to 1994 when the Republican Revolution forced Bill Clinton to keep his campaign promise and end welfare dependency. The liberals, who clearly understanding that any money problem is solved by reaching deeper into the pockets of the tax payers and taking more of what little they have left, denied there were any problems that couldn't be solved with another new tax, or manipulating the benefits.

What President George W. Bush failed to tell the American people was that even by fixing the problem that would otherwise bankrupt the Social Security Trust Fund by 2050, Social Security needed a major Band-Aid to keep it from going bankrupt in 2012. The Band-Aid? Taxpayers. Millions of immediate, adult, income-earning taxpayers.

Since we have shipped between 15 and 20 million jobs out of the United States since 1995, where are these new jobs coming from? And, since we erased potentially 67 million job holders from existence over the last 33 years, we don't have 15 million replacement workers sitting idly around our neighborhood 7-Elevens drinking gourmet coffee and carrying placards asking for work. Oops—wait a minute. Yes, we do. They're called illegal aliens. Right now they are working the underground economy. Because they are here illegally and don't want to be deported, they work for cash—and, of course, they work for less than union scale. We aren't talking about Mickey-D wages picking oranges, harvesting broccoli or working in lawn maintenance.

What the Fed bankers, the US Treasury and Bush—with the willing complicity of 535 members of Congress (less a handful or so of Congressmen and Senators who would prefer to get reelected)—are planning to do is offer 15+ million illegal aliens—who are currently working in this country under-the-table without paying taxes—amnesty in order to get them on the tax rosters. That, of course, means those brand new "guest workers," like the rest of us, will qualify for Social Security benefits. (Remember all of the emails you received over the last couple of months about your Congressmen planning to give illegals Social Security benefits? Just like you, to receive benefits, they have to pay into the system.)

The Domino Affect
When the elites of Europe: Cecil Rhodes, Arnold Toynbee, Alfred Lord Milner, Reginald Baliol Brett, Lord Albert Grey and others that ultimately included Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson formed a utopian new world order called The Society, they devised what they believed would be a world government led by England and the United States. The economic and political system they tried to implement failed from 1920 to 1946. Success was finally realized when the transnationalists created the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund at Bretton Woods, and used them as the financial muscle of the world's central banks to leverage the economically-poor nations into submission.

The role of money in the global economy cannot be understated. It is the glucose of industry. Slow money and you slow the economy. Stop the flow of money, and the economy stops. The world bankers behind world government have learned they can manipulate national economies at will, and they don't hesitate to use money to bring inflexible governments to their knees—or to infuse bad economies with life. The biggest problem with a fiat money system (paper currency) is that bankers and the governments they support face the temptation of creating too much money. That is precisely what the global bankers have been doing to massage the economies of the industrialized nations of the world since transnationalists have achieved the final phases of globalization. Money conceals the hairline fractures in the world economy caused by the drain of millions of jobs and thousands of factories from the industrialized world to the human capital-rich emerging nations and creates the illusion, based on spending, that we have a healthy economy. We don't. Our economy is teetering on the brink of the abyss.

The job growth the United States is experiencing can best be described as mirror-image symmetry. The illusion of prosperity exists but the tax revenue that is generated by real job growth is missing. What that means is that the Bush effort to create new jobs is working fine in generating discretionary income but the fruits of that labor is not reaching the US Treasury. We know that because money—the lubricant that greases the engines of the economy—is being spent. But the tax revenue—the heavy crude that keeps the wheels of government turning—is missing. When the economy is genuinely moving forward, there is a fiscal symmetry between the dollars that feed the economy and those that pay the debts of society. Income is earned, tax revenue is created. The debts incurred by the people's representatives in the Congress are paid by the tax receipts generated by those real jobs.

It's not happening because roughly 20% of the US economy has gone underground. (And, that represents more than just illegal aliens working under-the-table. It represents a splinter segment of the American work force that fuels the underground economy in America and pay no taxes.) Unfortunately for the American people 34 years of legalized abortion and 13 years of transferring jobs to the third world have bankrupted the United States government—and its privately-owned central bank.

As the jobs-drain compounded by 34 years of abortion-on-demand depletes even more tax-producing jobs, the transnationalists who were adamant that people were the root cause of global warming were slow to realize the fallacy of their argument have now managed to connect the dots—or at least, some of them. They were wrong. And because they were, America no longer has enough workers to keep its central bank solvent. The scary part of this scenario is that when the privately-owned Federal Reserve System collapses, all of the interlocked central banks of the world will topple as well. Have you ever read Revelation 18? You should. It describes what happens when all of the central banks of the world collapse. Which could happen very soon if Bush does not solve the human capital dilemma in the United States.

Here's the catastrophic reality. Subtract some 10+ million potential taxpayers per decade from the American landscape and then add all of the baby boomers born between 1945 to 1950 who will begin to qualify for benefits in 2010. Can you see a crisis unfolding? Could that be why the White House is frantically searching for taxpayers? If Bush, or whomever follows him to the Oval Office, can't find at least 15 million new middle-class taxpayers quickly, the baby boomers who begin to retire in 2017 will have the shortest pensions on record because, with the Medicare deficits that will build even faster than the Social Security shortfalls, Social Security—and the Fed—will collapse about 2039.

When you listen to the liberals whose political ancestors from the Great Society looted the Social Security Trust Fund and drained it to finance the Welfare Generation, you'll find they're still treating a vault full of IOUs like they were real money. Three point three trillion dollars of real money. Politicians talk about this money like it's real because, when it was taken from our paychecks it was real. Politicians live in an abstract make-believe world in which reality is what they say it is. In their world, they can spend money and still have it. That's a little bit like having your cake and eating it, too.

Think of the Social Security Fund as your own personal savings account. Let's pretend that, say, 43 years ago you decided to start building a retirement fund. You decided to invest 5% of your net income each payday, and placed it into a long-term, interest-bearing savings account. Let's imagine that somewhere down the road through time you used some of that money to put your children through college. Then you used some of the money to take a cruise or an exotic vacation. Fortunately you had money available when you had to put a new roof on the house and, later, new siding and thermal pane windows. Each time you "borrowed" from your retirement, you wrote yourself an IOU because, after all, you intended to replace the money you moved from savings into your checking account for life's little emergencies. One day you realized you had squandered your nest egg. The savings account was empty. Not only was all of the principle gone, but the interest on those savings that would have have provided comfort from worry was gone, too.

Not deterred, because you had diligently written down all of the money you borrowed from your retirement fund, you pretended the money was still in the bank because you were convinced that before you retired you'd manage to put it back. Only, when you reached age 65, or 70, or 72 or 75, all of your pockets were empty. There was no money.

Uncle Sam's Ponzi scheme

That is precisely the dilemma facing the federal government. Their pockets are empty. There is no money. Yet, when you listen to them talk about the Social Security Trust Fund, most will confidently state there is currently a $2.5 trillion surplus in the fund. They say that because most of them have seen the IOUs. In point of fact, when Social Security checks are issued, the funds that cover them comes from the current FICA payments. Today, Social Security taxes still exceed social security spending. But that will change in 2012. Think of Social Security as the government's own Ponzi scheme—which it is. If the promoters of Social Security were private entrepreneurs instead of the US government, they would be arrested and jailed for fraud. In a Ponzi scheme, recipients are paid from the contributions of other investors. Ponzi schemes will always goes bankrupt because eventually the sheer number of recipients will outstrip the ability of the investors to cover the promised payments.

That's what has happened to Social Security. If the pantry at the Fed wasn't already bare, making Social Security payments wouldn't be all that hard since the bureaucracy would simply transfer money from the Fed to the Treasury to cover the Social Security IOU. Uncle Sam's dilemma comes from its difficulty in generating money to cover the anticipated Social Security shortfalls that will bankrupt not only the Social Security and Medicare systems in 2039 but the Federal Reserve as well. Images of post-WWI Germany and that nation's struggle with hyperinflation come to mind. When governments print money without debt collateral, inflation happens. When too much fiat money is printed, hyperinflation will result.

Using alien human capital to save the economy

When the Social Security-Medicare bubble bursts between 2039 and 2050—even if politicians attempt to patch the program by reducing benefits, increasing taxes or advancing full benefits retirement age to 80—the US economy will collapse. When it happens it will trigger a Depression of such magnitude that the domino affect will swallow the economies of all the industrialized nations, bankrupting all of the world's central banks and erasing the wealth of 90% of the world's population. Only those who have converted their assets into readily accessible forms of portable wealth—gold, silver, diamonds, other precious metals or stones, or stored commodities—will survive financially.

This is the fiscal Armageddon Bush is attempting to avert. To divert economic disaster, Bush must accomplish two things before leaving office. First, he must change the nature of Social Security by removing temptation from the grasp of tax-and-spend politicians by keeping the taxpayers retirement funds out of their reach by allowing workers to invest what would otherwise be taxed as OASI into private investment accounts. This will protect those coming into the work force. Second, Bush needs to find enough new adult taxpayers—15 to 20 million of them—to infuse the Social Security Trust Fund with the money it needs to become solvent. Those new taxpayers are currently the nation's undesirable illegal aliens. The government claims there are between 8 and 11 million of them. In point of fact, there are between 15 and 20 illegal aliens in the United States at this time.

This is the human capital America will be forced to adopt to remail solvent. Like it or not, the illegals that gather around 7-Eleven or other convenience store chains each morning waiting for building construction foremen to happen by for coffee and hire them as day laborers will be tomorrow's next door neighbor in hundreds of cities and towns in the United States as they are granted amnesty from deportation.

The American people need to understand that there is no free ride. The problem of unwanted illegals being legalized exists today for several reasons. We must all share the blame for the problem because we are all guilty of causing it. We were either part of the problem, or we refused to be part of the solution. The problem is threefold: [1] We elected, or allowed to be elected, candidates for public office whose political views included globalism. [2] We either supported the right of women to kill their unborn babies, were neutral to the notion and did nothing, or knew that baby-killing under any name was wrong but refused to get involved. We are the most guilty since we created the environment that now mandates that we accept—against our will—the undesired human capital of other countries because we do not have enough native born human capital to keep our economy alive. [3] Most of all, we have allowed America's Fortune 500 companies to shut down factories and move millions of jobs out of the United States and into the third world without penalty or retribution. Granted, we—or rather 42.9% of us (and the 19% that voted for Ross Perot in 1992)—are responsible for NAFTA and the jobs drain because we elected Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, Jr. Granted, we didn't know that was the primary piece of legislation on Clinton's plate when he was campaigning for the White House. When NAFTA was debated, it was clear it was a jobs-drain treaty not a job-creation treaty. We let it happen because we didn't stop it. How do you stop it? You fire politicians. You recall them, and you impeach them. And, whenever you can, you throw them in prison. But most of all, you simply refuse to buy any product not made entirely in the United States. If American corporations can't sell goods they make in China or Mexico, they will stop making products in China or Mexico. If the only goods American citizens will buy are those made in the United States, we will force those companies to return their factories to this country. Because, for the moment, the United States still buys more consumer products than all of the other nations of the world combined. We need to boycott all products made elsewhere in the world. It will entail hardship on our part. We will pay more for products made here. But, that is the only way to save America from the utopians who are attempting to create world government. There will be no NAFTA corridor slicing the United States in half since goods transported from Mexico will have no retail store destinations in this country. The North American Union will be an idea that cannot be achieved in our lifestimes.

We allowed our misfortune to happen through political apathy. We let approximately 25 to 50 million real jobs slip across our borders since 1994. We allowed the lives of as many as 67 million potential consumers and taxpayers to be erased by standing idly by in the early 1960s when the Rockefeller Foundation launched its global campaign to convince all of the world that people were the problem, and that by eliminating enough of them, the world would be a better place for the rest of us.

But, they were wrong. People weren't the problem—politicians in the pockets of the ultra-rich are the problem. Its too late to go back and undo the damage our apathy caused during the past five decades, but we can fix the root cause of those problems. We need to start recalling and/or impeaching Congressmen and Senators. Then we need to create amnesty legislation that also protects America and the American human capital from the global profiteers.


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Copyright © 2009 Jon Christian Ryter.
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