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hose we elect to public office at the national level see no problem with using US taxpayer dollars to ingratiate the princes of industry to them, or using their power to write law to give the princes of industry exit visas which allow them to take their American factories, and the jobs that American sweat equity created, to China. And then, adding insult to injury, allowing the merchant princes to import the slave labor Chinese goods labeled with time-tested American brand names back into this country. Then, the barons of business stock their stores with these "bargains" and sell them to very stupid consumers who don't understand what buying these products means in terms of their own future employment security. Question mark? Because stupid "bargain-hunters" choose not to look beyond the immediate desire for a bargain to the economic domino affect that bargain will universally have on the US economy. And, ultimately what will be left of any meaningful economic future in this country for their children and their children's children.

The death blow, struck at the industrial heart of America happened on December 8, 1993. Think of it as Bill Clinton's early quid pro quo Christmas present to the princes of industry and barons of banking and business who bankrolled his run for the White House. The North American Free Trade Agreement was enacted by both Houses of Congress as "law" in the United States (because there weren't enough votes to ratify it as a treaty—which means NAFTA does not constitutionally exist since it is a treaty that had to be ratified by 2/3 of the Senate [i.e., the States]). Since Bill Clinton's 103rd Congress could not get the votes they needed to ratify NAFTA, they bound the People of the United States to a treaty that was enacted as a simple law by a 51% majority. NAFTA is a "treaty" in Mexico and Canada. And, although the Clinton Administration had to unconstitutionally "backdoor" it, NAFTA is a treaty here as well. The economic demise of the United States had officially begun. Sadly, no one noticed. Also, Bill Clinton had just performed his first impeachable act with the TV cameras rolling. But, no one noticed that, either.

A decade and a half before NAFTA, social progressive Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, observed that a "...global consciousness is, for the first time, beginning to manifest itself. We are witnessing the emergence of transnational elites...composed of international businessmen, scholars, professional men and public officials. The ties of these new elites cut across national boundaries, their perspectives are not confirmed by national traditions...and their interests are more functional than national borders..." In the 1970s as the social progressives, led in the United States by globablist David Rockefeller, plotted the consolidation of the world into an economic Gondwanaland controlled by them, Brzezinski noted (almost two decades before then-President George HW Bush announced the arrival of the New World Order in 1991) that the carpenters of Utopia would have to proceed in stealth since surrendering national sovereignty was not high up on the list of things that most Americans wanted to do. By the onset of the Clinton-Gore years, the utopians knew they had succeeded, and stealth was no longer needed.

As Brzezinski was proclaiming the New World Order in socialist circles during the Bush-41 years, Carl Gerstacker of Dow Chemical told the media that he envisioned a day in the near future when his company would sever the tethers that bound Dow Chemical Company to the apron strings of America. "I have long dreamed," he said, "of buying an island owned by no nation, and of establishing the world headquarters of Dow Chemical on the truly neutral ground of such an island, beholden to no nation or society."

Phil Condit, the head of Boeing, told an interviewer in 1997 that he would be delighted if, in 20 years "...no one thought of Boeing as an American company. My goal," he said, "is to rid [Boeing] of its image as an American company." When I first penned those words in the book, "Prince Albert: Prophet of Utopia" in 2000, I noted that "...in less than that time, Boeing and Lockheed will both largely be viewed as Chinese companies by the American people." Today, what looks very much like Boeing Stealth technology appears to have been used to build China's new J-20 Stealth jet fighter giving, some observers say, China a technological edge over the United States. Boeing got it's wish. Boeing is now headquartered in China, and China owns a fairly substantial block of Boeing stock. The question is, how privy is China to Boeing industrial secrets? Particularly those tied to stealth technology? How much Boeing technology know-all went to work at China's Chengdu aircraft plant where they built the J-20 Stealth fighter? Can we now assume Boeing—or at least some of their former scientists and engineers—are no longer as American as apple pie?

Has former President Dwight D. Eisenhower's minute-before-midnight warnings about the industrial-military complex come home to roost? Are the industrialist stargazers who created the Star Wars technology that gave the United States its edge over the world in the Cold War now selling their visionary technology to the highest bidder on the mistaken belief that mankind has evolved beyond war? If that's the case, they need only look past the saber-rattling at the low-key, but very serious buildup of nuclear weapons delivery systems by our "former" enemies to realize they are still enemies who, today, are sucking the economic life out of us to finance their 21st century weapons and weapons delivery systems which they insist with a straight face, are defensive rather than offensive weapons ..

For over two decades now it has been Condit's opinion that America's blue chip transnational corporate giants are no longer American corporations who are answerable to the unelected fourth branch of government in Washington, DC. Between 1990 and 2003, foreign direct investment in the blue chip corporations in the developed nations increased fivefold with the value of their assets coming almost exclusively from the increased worth of their foreign affiliates. That's why when you check the stock market, it appears we are enjoying a robust economy when, in fact, unemployment in the industrialized nations is skyrocketing, tax receipts in the coffers of the world's wealthiest nations are drying up, and governments are now forced to make hard choice spending cuts that are impacting those who actually believe they are generationally entitled to entitlements.

America, today, is being systematically raped and pillaged by the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business who literally own the politicians we elect. Sadly, the voters continue to vote for them because the mainstream media keeps telling us that the yardstick by which electibility is measured is the campaign war chest the candidate has amassed. In reality, the larger the war chest the more indebted the candidate is to the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business—and the less reason we have to vote for them.

But, that's why, once you do elect them, the voice of the people is ignored. Their constituents become the money barons and not the citizen voters who cast the votes that put them in office. It is the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business who determine the politician's legislative agenda once the election is over.

More times than not, the legislation your Congressman and Senators vote for was actually written by the lobbyists of their campaign donors to benefit those corporate clients and not the People those legislators constitutionally represent. Which, of course, is why legislators seldom, if ever, never read the bills they vote for. They feel less like Judas when they don't read them. The politicians who sold their souls to the money barons really don't want to know just how ugly the whore is they climbed into bed with. The politician doesn't want to see the victims they are raping, and if the raped taxpayer can't identify them as the rapist, they still have plausible deniability. None of them will ever stand up in any Congressional chamber and with a smug grin, suggest to the TV cameras that they "...hurry up and vote for a bill so they can see what's in it." (By the way, will the California imbeciles who voted for Nancy Pelosi please raise their hands?)

With that explanation of why we have the mess we have in Washington, DC, we need to peel back the pages of history for just a minute and understand—I mean, really understand—the significance of what is happening to our world...and the world of every democratic industrialized nation because, whether you realize it or not, we have surrendered our economic, political and military fate to our most feared enemies.

Selling America's Soul
In World War II, the United States of America fought two enemies in two different parts of the world simultaneously. In addition, they supplied all of their allies in both Europe and Asia with the food, weapons, munitions, machines of war and the gasoline needed to sustain them until victory was achieved. That fact frightened Josef Stalin who was one of the recipients of the largess of the most powerful nation in the world. The United States was, at that time, more powerful than all of its allies combined—including the Soviet Union and the Republic of China.

No other nation in the world realized, until World War II, just how strong England's "former colonies" had become, nestled away as an island fortress at the crossroads of the world. How did America become so strong? You could say it was the frontier spirit of the American patriot. But, the truth is, it was because of the entrepreneurial spirit of America. In the American free enterprise system, unencumbered by government interference in the first half of the 20th century, free enterprise built the most powerful industrial complex the world had ever seen. It was this industrial ingenuity that allowed America to switch from peacetime to wartime manufacturing virtually overnight, and holding its enemies in the Pacific at bay with one hand, while they built the war machine they needed to defeat them with the other.

That could not happen today. Most of America's major factories are closed down and boarded up. The products which were made in those factories are now made (among other places) in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the former Soviet Union. Do you see a problem here? Not only do we no longer possess the industrial wherewithal to convert peacetime manufacturing to wartime manufacturing, we surrendered our industrial might to our deadliest enemies. Which ones? Take your pick..

Tragically, the princes of industry surrendered more than America's manufacturing capabilities to our enemies. They also appear to have surrendered far too much of our technological know-how as well. In February, 1996, GM-Hughes Electronics and Loral Space Communications contracted with the Chinese government to launch a Loral communications satellite for Hughes.

The US government initially discouraged American rocket firms from attempting to enter the commercial rocket field, correctly assuming that if they did, the possibility existed that vital rocket technology data might inadvertently be transferred from the military to the commercial arena and end up in the hands of current or future enemies who would then use that technology against us.

In the aftermath of the Challenger explosion NASA refused to carry commercial satellites into orbit and, instead, encouraged private corporations to find commercial ventures to launch their communications satellites. Several of them, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and McDonnell-Douglas tried but, in the global marketplace, discovered they could not compete with China Aerospace International Holdings, Ltd. [COSTIND] since COSTIND was wholly-owned by the People's Liberation Army. In the end, the field of players narrowed until, finally, COSTIND was about the only cost-effective delivery system for US satellite manufacturers.

The only problem is, the rockets China used were as inferior as the dog food and baby formula the Chinese sell to western consumers. On the morning of Feb. 15, 1996 when the Chinese 3B Long March rocket rose off the launch paid carrying a $200 million communications satellite into orbit, something happened. After rising a short distance from the launch pad, the 3B Long March seemed suspended in midair for a millisecond that seemed like an eternity until, like a felled giant redwood tree, the rocket dropped and crashed into a nearby village. In less time that it takes to roast a marshmallow on a stick over the embers of a campfire, the 3B rocket exploded into a fireball and consumed the entire village. Thousands of charred corpses lay where, only moments before, they walked, talked and breathed.

An Israeli engineer who worked on the project and witnessed the disaster, later said that COSTIND brought in trucks, loaded the charred bodies into them and carted them off to be buried in a mass grave. There was no formal inquiry into the incident because, as far as the Chinese people were concerned, neither the incident nor the town that was destroyed ever existed.

But, it existed for Loral and it existed for Hughes. Thinking of their bottom line and not the national security of the United States, they opted to help the Chinese solve the problem of their defective rockets. Bernie Schwartz, the CEO of Loral applied for a satellite export license, but was denied the waiver by Secretary of State Warren Christopher. As a $2.2 million "friend of Bill," Schwartz called Bill Clinton and got his waiver. At that time, Clinton removed export waiver authority from the State Department and returned it to the Commerce Department where it resided until Clinton's Chinagate scandal.

After all, Loral and Hughes still had to launch a communications satellite for US satellite TV networks. In addition, Hughes had another reason for wanting to improve China's 3B Long March rocket. Hughes had also sold a pair of $650 million telecommunications satellites that necessarily had to be launched by Chinese 3B Long March rockets. The client insisted on it. Who was the client? People's Liberation Army Gen. Shen Rongjun, the Deputy Director of COSTIND. The "communications satellites" were actually spy satellites created by an American company for the Chinese who claimed it was to 'spy on their neighbors." In reality, it was to study troop deployment throughout Asia—particularly US troop movements in Korea. And the satellites were to be used to send and receipt encrypted PLA transmissions all around the world.

Would it shock you to learn that in June, 1996, Clinton signed the export waiver (based on exemptions in the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917) which allowed the sale of the spy satellites to this nation's enemies? Crazy, isn't it? In addition to allowing China access to America's technology, Clinton also signed export waivers that allowed the sale of 600 supercomputers to China. According to the Congressional Cox Report, before he left office, Clinton signed waivers allowing the sale of over 1,000 supercomputers to China's military through dummy corporations in Hong Kong, Taiwan another other Asian countries. According to the Clinton Administration, the People's Liberation Army agreed that they would not use the computers for military purposes. What they used them for was to develop a new, greatly improved super-advanced supercomputers that, reportedly, are far better than any supercomputer possessed by the United States government. The money, and the technology was provided by—us!

In May, 1998, Loral and Hughes (which merged into Raytheon in 1997) provided the People's Republic of China and the People's Liberation Army with a 200-page report containing top secret data that explained why the 3B Long March rocket failed—and how to fix it. In reality, the technological information Loral and Hughes provided to China was used by the Chinese to perfect the guidance systems on the military missile systems. When the technology transfer was discovered by the US intelligence system, the US Air Force was assigned the task of reviewing the data which had been transferred by Loral and Hughes to China. The USAF concluded that the national security of the United States had been compromised. Congress demanded an investigation. Clinton resisted, and no members of his Administration showed up to testify. As the Reno Justice Department amassed more than enough information at indict both Loral and Hughes, Clinton blindsided the GOP, which was pushing Attorney General Janet Reno for the indictments against both corporations, by issuing an export waiver on the 200 page technology giveaway.

That was yesterday. This is today. Right? Today, China is using its transplanted American technology to beef up its own technology. And, from the looks of things...it's succeeding. When you have enough money to buy any technology you do not possess you...well...purchase whatever technology you lack. Aeronautical and nuclear engineers are a dime a dozen when you have more money than Midas. And, thanks to America buying every gadget and widget that China sends to America's giant retail chains, it now has the money to buy virtually anything it needs to overwhelm any nation on Earth.

Our innate greed for bargain has made it possible for the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business to shackle us to the yoke of human bondage, reminiscent of our ancestors who were the chattel of the Old World Order before the Magna Carta, which challenged the absolute power of the royals of Europe and instituted the first semblance of constitutional law in the world.. What is now called "Clause 61" of the Magna Carta (which was never divided into clauses), established a group of 25 barons who had the authority to depose the king if he violated the Magna Carta.

The agreement, "The Articles of the Barons," included the world's first Bill of Rights." It was signed in the meadows at Runnymede on June 15, 1215 and is historically known as the Charter of Runnymede. The formal document, signed by King John, was the original Magna Carta. King John immediately violated the covenant as soon as the barons pledged loyalty to them, leading to what became known as the First Baron's War. The war ended with the death of King John in 1216, and a revised Magna Carta (which became the Magna Carta we know from history). Liberty is always hard fought, but variations of freedom are cheap, since the purveyors of the New World Order, like the parasites of the Old World Order, who need human chattel that works cheap—or without pay—freely offer the communist version of freedom since it is conditioned on the whims of the overlords of world government.

Caretakers of the World's Freedom
We, the caretakers of the world's only nation which actually possessed liberty at birth, have inadvertently done much to destroy this nation we call home. The fault lies as much with our parents as it does with us. The cause of that destruction? Apathy. Your parents gave you too much. You give your children too much—except, perhaps, knowledge. That, as a busy parent, you chose to leave to the public school system. Bad mistake. Because the caretakers of the history of our world are social progressives who have altered that history to make the caretakers of liberty appear to be the villains. Over the past five decades the public school system of the United States has increasingly de-emphasized the importance of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, and with it, the lack of importance in the concepts of national sovereignty.

That brings us almost full circle, back to the closing days of World War II . At that moment in time, the United States was the undisputed technological leader in the world based entirely on its industrial strength. Life Magazine posed a question in its Jan. 22, 1951 issue: "Does US leadership...merit the trust placed in it by America's allies?" That headline stemmed from another headline in the Sydney, Australia Morning Herald, reporting on what it called the "global growling" in Europe about one nation that has too much. The Herald reported that "...[t]here are discernible beginnings of a fear that whereas America abandoned the world after the First World War, this time the world is in process of abandoning America..."

As America counted the bodies of 116,706 American doughboys and 757 civilian employees of the military who did not return home from the battlefields of Europe in 1919, they decided the price for meddling was too high, and that Europe needed to settle their own disputes. A wave of isolationism swept over America, and politicians who spoke globalist thoughts found that not even a hefty campaign war chest could keep them in office. Campaigning for America's participation in the League of Nations on a whistlestop train tour of the United States, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a minor stroke on Sept. 25, 1919, cutting short his nationwide pep rally for the Treaty of Versailles. Wilson's press secretary told the media that Wilson was suffering from exhaustion. The story was not true. On October 2, back at the White House, Wilson suffered a second and, this time, massive stroke, that left him permanently paralyzed on his left side, leaving him totally incapacitated and ending his political career. Known only to a handful of close, personal aides, Wilson had been planning to run for a third term, encouraged to do so by his advisor, Col. Edward Mandall House. (It was House who advised Franklin D. Roosevelt to seek not only a third, but a fourth term.)

Buried in Article Ten of the Treaty of Versailles (The League of Nations Charter) was a provision that required member nations to surrender their external sovereignty to the League of Nations (the same provision is found in the European Union Charter). America's isolationism at the end of World War I stemmed, in part, from Wilson's whistlestop tour to sell the American people on the League of Nations. America fought an eight-year war to free itself from European overlord. And the American people, still mourning the loss of its dead, did not want to reinstate a relationship that would allow Europe to dictate how Americans should live.

During World War II, the United States not only fought a two front war that spanned the global stage, we also supplied our allies in Europe and Asia with the weapons of war and munitions they needed to survive in that conflict against Germany, Italy and Japan. America's success was due entirely to our industrial strength. That fact was not lost on the world. Under Lend-Lease (Public Law 77-11) enacted by Republicans who saw the penchant in FDR to follow Wilson's footsteps into a world war, legislation was drafted to provide supplies and munitions to our allies in Europe and Asia while pledging to keep America out of the war. A total of $50.1 billion in war materials and supplies (equivalent to over $1 trillion in today's dollars) were sent to Europe. Under Lend-Lease, all of the war materials had to either be returned to the United States at the end of the conflict, or destroyed so the materials could not, at some later date, be used against the United States.

After Dec. 7, 1941, when the United States entered the war, our allies—particularly the Soviets—were shocked by America's industrial capacity to supply all of its allies with the machinations of war and supply all of the needs of the United States to fight, and win, a two-continent war as well.

The Economic Giveaway Begins
Devastated by ten years of war, most of Europe's factories lay in rubble. Its farmlands were pocked with bomb craters and their crop furrows bore the scars of battle. Once again, America's allies looked to the United States for help—for the money to rebuild their cities and the factories which would supply jobs to Europe's working class. And, of course, they expected America to provide a tariff-free market for them to sell their wares. Like a good neighbor, America was there under the Marshall Plan (the European Recovery Program. By 1952 as the funding ended, the economy of every nation in Europe that participated in the program had surpassed its prewar levels. In the United States in 1952, inflation was on the rise due to America's indebtedness from the Marshall Plan. In the summer of 1952, as Europe—including West Germany—prospered from selling their wares to consumers in the United States, we lapsed into what the media reported as a "summer recession" followed by the Recession of 1953 which resulted from the Fed raising interest rates to combat inflation in the United States. The Recession of 1952-57 (actually classified as three distinctly different recessions) resulted from too many products for sale and not enough demand for the goods available.

Remove all the tariff-free European imports from the shelves of America's retail stores from 1952 to 1958, and, very likely, the United States would have had a good decade without a recession—or without three of them. What we, as a nation, have experienced from the birth of the UN is that the same cabal of wealthy social progressive utopians: the princes of industry and barons of banking and business who claim that the working class of the emerging nations should share equally in the sweat equity of the human capital of the developed nations, actually believe the working class of the industrialized world have become [a] too affluent, [b] too powerful, and [c] they have amassed too many costly concessions from the princes of industry and the barons of business that the money barons don't have to give to workers in the third world who will work for a fraction of what workers in the industrialized world earn—without medical insurance, paid vacations, a retirement annuity and a union shop steward telling management why they can't fire you.

You have, or had, a good healthcare plan largely paid for by your employer. You got five weeks vacation after 20 years of service, and you have, or had, a 401K retirement plan paid for, largely, by your employer. These were the "entitlements" you came to believe were "due you" in a modern society because government and Big Labor told you they were due you. And, more times than not, you earned three to four times what the new hire earns on his first week on the job in the company you worked for. But even worse, because the transnationalist industrialists and bankers who are now engineering the most massive redistribution of wealth in the history of the world from the developed nations to the emerging nations, climbed into bed with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama (and whose Democratic Congresses climbed into bed with Big Labor in the 1930s, creating the most punitive labor laws in the history of the world in order to regulate business while helping labor unions. Which is why whomever is working your job today is paid in pesos, yuans, or rupees and not US dollars. Shocking as it may seem, even the most communist country in the world—the People's Republic of China—is more pro-free enterprise than the United States of America. There is something wrong with that picture.

The princes of industry and the barons of banking and business have surveyed the world over the past eight decades and devised a multitude of multinational schemes to harness the human capital of the population-heavy third world. The schemes developed at the end of the World War II, when the world empires were broken up and conditional independence was granted to the colonial countries in Asia and Africa all failed because the emerging third "democracies" all collapsed into dictatorships, and the dictators seized the factories the princes of industry brought to their countries.

Changing the Nature of Wealth
It was not until the UN and the World Bank redefined the nature of wealth in 1994 by classifying human capital as every nation's most valuable commodity, that the redistribution of wealth not only became possible, but became an imperative. Prior to the World Bank's decision, promulgated by the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business, banks could not, or would not, loan the billions needed to bring the third world out of the dark ages and into the industrial age. That meant the princes of industry could not effectively tap into what they saw as the consumer base of the 21st century—human capital that had nothing and needed everything—unless they were willing to invest their own money in what proved, at the end of WWII, to be unstable governments whose fragile democracies collapsed at the first sign of an economic or political storm. Nation building proved to be more difficult than freeing third world countries from the yoke of colonialism and building a few factories.

While Americans enjoyed the good life, they chose to ignore the transformation of their geosphere during the last half of the 20th century without realizing that somewhere down the road to eternity, you always have to "pay the piper." Something bad was happening to man's universe. The world of the Rockefellers suddenly clashed with the world of the common man, and the common man was going to lose. Within four decades, the princes of industry would turn their world on its ear. While the global population continued to grow, the populations of the industrial nations began to shrink—well below population replenishment levels.

As third world populations spiraled upward, the princes of industry used their vast political power in an attempt to implement population control measures in the third world to staunch a population explosion which, in the minds of the elites, threatened to destroy the equilibrium of the world. But the world planners consistently underestimated and understated the growth of the third world. Although over 42 million abortions, or about 115,000 abortions daily, are performed in third world countries to stem the tide of the human capital which is destroying the ecosystems of some of the most pristine primeval forests in the world for firewood, their efforts have done nothing. On the other hand, even though 83% of all abortions performed in the world take place in the third world and only 17% in the developed world, legalized abortion in the developed nations has devastated the populations—and the economies—of the industrialized world.. Based on population statistics as a percentage of the population per country, abortion has economically devastated the industrial world and has upset the proverbial economic apple cart. Abortion is largely responsible for the redistribution of wealth from the developed to the developing nations.

What this exercise in geopolitics and geoeconomics is saying is that the Caucasian population in the industrialized nations, which are now so far below population replenishment levels that it is now virtually impossible to reverse the population decline is, literally, on the road to extinction.

What the people in the industrialized nations have done over the past five decades is to allow the princes of industry and barons of banking, who decided in 1962 that there were too many people in the world, to convince us that chewing up our unborn children and spitting them out of the womb of civilization was a constitutional right, and that we would be better of for doing it. So let me ask you Ronald Reagan's question to America in 1980: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" There are always consequences for our actions—or for our apathy. The social planners who are attempting to use demographic euthanasia to reduce the population at both ends of the age corridor are charged with the task of reducing the population the world by half—or more by the end of this decade even though there is a dearth of people in the industrialized nations. Their job is to stop as many new people from entering the human race through increased levels of abortion. And, on the other end of the age corridor, their job is to use forms of voluntary or forced euthanasia to eliminate the elderly who are now draining the financial and societal resources of the world without being able to contribute, back to society, more than they consume.

The consequences of abortion is the jobs drain that America and industrialized Europe is experiencing. The consequences of abortion is the repopulating of the industrialized world with the least desirable radicals from the third world. The consequence of abortion is the loss of sovereignty faced by all of the nations of the world as the princes of industry and the barons of banking and business who now control the political puppets who rule the nation states but whose strings are manipulated by the global puppeteers.

On the eve of his departure from the presidency of the United States, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued a somber warning to the American people, which they chose to ignore. He said: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." Too bad we failed to heed Eisenhower's warning.

We might also have heeded a personal warning in his goodbye speech as well. "As we peer into society's future," he said, "we—you and I, and our government—must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own use and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow."

America, Eisenhower noted halfway through his speech, had no war armaments industry when his war, World War II broke out. Only three nations on Earth did. Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan. In the beginning, there was a mutual agreement between the three which, ultimately, Germany and Japan broke. As the war in Europe and England's war against Japan in the Pacific erupted, America began making guns from plowshares and, just as quickly, planes, tanks and ships. World War II taught America that a strong defense is the best deterrent to war. Before the war was over, America (as noted above) not only fielded sufficient armies in Europe and Asia to defeat both enemies, it also supplied all of its allies with enough food to help them feed their own populations, but the weapons of war they needed to hold their ground until American forces broke the backs of Germany and Japan.

America's peacetime factory production capabilities won both World War I and World War II. America no longer has those factories. The industrial complex, which climbed into bed with the military complex in the 1960s, now markets their products, through export waivers from friendly presidents, to our enemies. We are now a debtor nation without the economic means to sustain ourselves should those creditor nations to whom we owe trillions of dollars, shut of the commodity spigot. The United States would be in a real quandary if that happened, since we no longer have producing factories churning out the goods needed to replace the goods that currently fill store shelves across America.

The tragedy of this scenario is coming soon because our enemies know this, too. After all, our factories are now churning out commodities in their countries, giving them an economic edge over the United States. American ingenuity and technology just produced the Chengdu J-20 Stealth Fighter which the media claims will rival the US military's F-22 Raptor. While social progressive skeptics, whose job it seems to be to lull the American people back to sleep, insist the J-20 is still roughly 8-years from being ready for action against what they claim is a technologically superior American air force. In point of fact, the stealth technology in the J-20 is reportedly superior to that of the Raptor. The debate about when the J-20 will join the Chinese military as something other than a prototype aside, the US Defense Department, which does not see it becoming a threat to the United States until 2020, is more concerned about the speed in which China developed the J-20, and the advanced stealth technology they are using. To dispel fears that China may be leapfrogging ahead of the United States with stealth technology, Marine Corp. spokesman Col. David Lapan noted that to the Corp "...[i]t is not a concern that they are working on a fifth generation fighter since the Chinese are still having difficulties with their fourth generation fighter." His rhetoric was just that—rhetoric.

A Washington, DC-base military affairs analyst, Richard Fisher, is concerned about the J-20. "At first glance," he said, "this fighter has the potential to be competitive with the F-22 and to be an efficient F-35 killer." The F-35 is the US military's new Joint Strike Fighter which was introduced about the same time Russian unveiled its Sukhoi T-50 Stealth Fighter. The J-20 appears to be a larger plane than either the F-35 or the T-50 which suggests it have both a longer range than the US or Russian planes—and carry heavier weapons.

But when push comes to shove, the mettle of a nation is not tested during peacetime. It is tested during war. The question the American people need to be asking themselves—and not politicians who lie for a living, is: does the United States of America have the economic resources to produce the weapons and auxiliary needs it possessed in 1941 to convert to war footing fast enough to keep this nation from being destroyed? The answer to that question is now a resounding "NO!" In 1942, America had the factories. It was just a matter of retooling to make something else. America's factories today are boarded up with plywood. In many cases, the machinery has either sat dormant for the last decade and a half, and has rusted, or the factories have been stripped clean down to their empty concrete floors.

Sadly, as our "trading partners" and former enemies produce the majority of the consumer goods sold in the United States, they are using the money we spend on their cheap electronic gadgets, ill-fitting clothes and lead-laced toys to develop their own "bobbles"—missile guidance systems, perfected with American technology that can now actually hit their target; stealth fighter planes, perfected with American technology, that can actually elude our radar and strike US targets; new 21st century multi-head intercontinental guided missiles that can now hit targets anywhere in the world—purchased from the Russians with the dollars spent by Americans to buy melamine-laced pet food, children's charm bracelets made from lead; or cough syrup containing diethylene glycol (antifreeze); Heparin™ (a drug to prevent heart attacks) laced with a chemical called over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan harvested from shellfish) that the Chinese pharmaceutical company was used as a "filler" to cut the cost of Heparin sodium in powder form, and make it more competitive in the industrialized world. Since the appearance of glycosaminoglycan was indistinguishable from the heparin sodium, buyers from American pharmaceutical companies could not tell the difference between the samples of 100% heparin sodium and glycosaminoglycan-laced heparin sodium. The differences did not show up until 81 American heart patients died from using it.

When our trading partners and former enemies no longer need us to bolster their economies; or when our economy collapses into chaos, or when our current trading partners and former enemies are convinced the economic tradeoff is no longer worth the political tradeoff, and they are convinced they can launch a successful nuclear strike against the English-speaking nations without the mutually-assured destruction tradeoff, they will weigh the risk, and when it favors them economically and politically, they will eliminate what they have viewed for decades as the burr under the saddle of the world. The overlords of the world have no use for empires—except their own. The spirit of America will be broken only when the nation itself lies in the ashes of history. Can we change the last chapter of this story? Yes. But only if we work swiftly.


Just Say No
Copyright © 2011 •Jon Christian Ryter.
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