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'm inclined to believe that there have been many times over the last century that God has looked down on planet Earth, shook His head in sad dismay and said, "That's enough. The stench of Man is an abomination that has finally reached the gates of Heaven." I believe there have been two cataclysmic end time "close calls" in modern history, as well as the staging period between the end of World War II and the climax of the "Cold War" which actually ushered in what we theologically refer to today as "the end times." What were those two cataclysmic events? World War I and World War II, and the decade immediately preceding and following each war. We could begin with World War II since, at the end of that war, the United Nations voted statehood on Israel and fulfilled Ezekiel's valley of dry bones prophecy with the rebirth of a nation that had been dead and buried since Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian army conquered the Jews (Judah) in 597 BC. (The 10 Northern tribes were conquered by the Assyrian, Shalmaneser V in 722 BC.) Most of the Jewish males were dispersed throughout the Assyrian Empire in the first of the two Diasporas. At that time, Shalmaneser V forced thousands of Assyrian citizens, loyal to Assyrian gods and customs, to repopulate Israel and generationally, erase not only the Hebrew customs but, more important, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from the minds and memories of the former Hebrews, but any vestige of what used to be the nation Israel on land God granted to His people (which is the reason for the eons-old war between the Arabs and the Jews) which is what leads to the final conflict of mankind in the Valley of Megiddo where the last war man will fight will take place.

The second Diaspora occurred in 597 BC. Only, at the end of that captivity, the Jews from the Southern Kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) returned to the land of Palestine and restored Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Keep in mind, Hebrews from the Northern Kingdom who remained loyal to Solomon's son Rehoboam, and those who escaped from the Assyrians in 722 BC, moved to the Southern Kingdom, maintaining the unbroken tribal identity of Jacob. There are not, and never were, any "10 Lost Tribes of Israel." They were simply absorbed by Judah and like the Judahites today, are all collectively referred to as "Jews," the slang term for those of the tribe of Judah.

The Jews from the Northern Kingdom who remained in the land married Aramaeans, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Caanites, Armenians, Moabites, Circassians and a host of other ethnic groups. Over the years, they were culturally assimilated into what is now Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia so completely they no longer existed as Jews, nor acknowledge any Jewish ancestry.

Today, for the most part, they are known as Palestinians—the offspring of those left behind in what was originally Israel during both captivities. (Which is why the Arabs find the Palestinians personally distasteful.) Even though, by faith, the Palestinians are Muslims, most of them remain partially Jewish by blood. So, while the Arabs and Persians tolerate the Palestinians because they are Muslim, they don't trust them because, historically they carry Jewish blood in their veins. Palestinians are viewed as the gypsies of Islam. Collectively they have an unsavory reputation as notorious thieves and men without honor. The Palestinian camps in the Arab nations are ghettos of lawlessness and violence. In every nation where they have encampments, they have attempted to assassinate that country's leaders and seize control of the land since they, historically, have never possessed a homeland even though the Arabs insist that the Palestinians ruled Palestine before the Hebrews, or Hyksos (as they were called by the Egyptians) who conquered and ruled Lower Egypt until they were overthrown by Ahmose I and placed into slavery.

The Hyksos won their freedom from Thutmose III (you probably identify the Pharaoh Moses battled for the freedom of the Jews as Ramses II based largely on the Cecil B. deMille epic, The Ten Commandments. Ramses II reigned from 1279 to 1213 BC—200 years too late to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Archeological digs support the Biblical view that the Jews were expelled from Egypt around 1447 BC. (Thutmose I was the Pharaoh who ordered all newborn Hebrew males slaughtered, and it was Thutmose III's sister, Hatsheput who raised Moses and was forced to abdicate her status of co-regent when Moses' Hebrew identity was revealed.) According to the Arabs, when the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt, they conquered much of Palestine around 1400 BC, taking the land away from its rightful owners—the Hittites.

History aside, let's begin with World War I not because it was the first war of the 20th century, or because the Jews in Palestine helped the British defeat the Turks in the Ottoman Empire (who conquered Palestine in 1517). In 1915, the British under Sir Henry McMahon made an agreement with Hussein, King of Hijaz, Sharif of Mecca in Transjordan. Hussein was the head of the Hashemite Dynasty. Hussein's understanding of the pact he made with McMahon was that, at the end of the war, Palestine would be surrendered to the Palestinians, giving them a homeland separate from the pure blood Arabs. Sir Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, made pretty much the same deal with the Jews. He devised a plan to establish a protected Jewish homeland in Palestine. Europe wanted to get rid of their Jews. So, for that matter, did US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson who pledged the cooperation of the United States, hoping that the communist Jews behind the labor union movement in New York and elsewhere in America would eagerly return to the land of their roots.

On Nov. 2, 1917, Balfour met with Lord [Baron] Walter Rothschild to discuss the creation of a Jewish homeland—Israel—in Palestine (Eretz Yisrael) with the rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine being safeguarded by a League of Nations Mandate for Palestine—with England as the overseer of the dual nation to keep the peace. The Hashemite kings are the most direct descendants of Mohammad. Clearly at the end of the war, with the land promised to both the Arabs and the Jews, both felt they had been doublecrossed by the Brits. While about 100 thousands Jews (mostly from the Soviet Union) migrated to the League of Nations Jewish Protectorate in Palestine, the migration Balfour and the British government expected, which was the exodus of almost all of Europe Jews, did not happen.

But something else did. Since scores of Bible passages, beginning with Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Amos 9:11-13, predict the regathering of the Jews in their ancient homeland in the endtime, preceding the return of Jesus, the Balfour Proclamation was viewed as fulfilled prophecy, and triggered a worldwide revival, as men of God and the Christian laity suddenly realized the world war they had just experienced may have been a warning from God that mankind had entered the last days.

As Europe prepared to enter the 20th century it was a virtual boiling pot of intrigue as the princes of industry and barons of banking and business who controlled the industrial nation-states jockeyed for more political and economic power. Assassinations were the rule of the day. Treaties between nations were made and just as quickly broken. War was brewing on the continent, but in the opening days of the century, the signs were merely a disdainful rumbling, like the distant thunder of an impending storm that the world chose to ignore. Those who did seem to notice the problems on the horizons were not the money barons who were making plans to merge the nation-states into a global economic zone, it was the common man who does the fighting and dying in war to protect the wealth of the money barons, who felt the sense of impending doom.

One of those listening to the distant sounds of war was a 23-year old apprentice blacksmith in Wales named Evan John Roberts. From about age 11 Roberts regularly prayed for a religious revival in Wales. He was convinced that mankind was about to witness the second-coming of Jesus Christ, and he was equally convinced the world was not ready for that day. A year later, Roberts ran into an evangelist named Rev. Seth Joshua who changed his life. Roberts quit his job as a blacksmith and entered the Newcastle Emlyn Academy to prepare himself for the ministry.

Christianity was awakening in South Cardiganshire, Wales at that time with a smattering of Christian revivals taking place. Roberts would later admit it was during one of those revivals, about six weeks after arriving at the Newcastle Emlyn Academy, that he had his "born again" experience. And, he said, that spiritual awaking shook him to the core. In October, 1904 Roberts suspended his evangelical studies and returned to Loughor to began preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the Moriah Church in Loughor. After the second night of his Welsh revival, the services lasted about three hours (which was somewhat puzzling since Roberts was not what you would call an outstanding speaker or preacher). What held his congregations was the passion of his words, which brought the congregations to tears. Immediately, large crowds began to show up at his revivals. And the "prayer meetings" continued each night well past midnight. Interestingly, Evan Roberts never advertised nor received any special publicity for his prayer meetings. People simply began to show up—in increasingly larger numbers. Like Evan Roberts, the masses felt the doomsday scenario that was about to impact the whole world which would, within a decade, be swallowed by world war. That scenario would be repeated in 1940 with the Nazi scourge and a decade later with the threat of a nuclear holocaust at the hands of the Soviet Union, and again in the Reagan years—not pitting nation against nation, but culture against culture in a new form of warfare in which the enemy is not a nation but radical elements within enemy states who not only allowed, but encouraged and even financed their radicals to initiate guerilla warfare on their enemies. With the threat of the Soviet Union fueling the headlines, to the American people, the threat from the radicals at that time was viewed only as a troublesome pin prick from Islamic sand gnats.

The Christian renewal experience, which appeared to ebb briefly at the end of World War II, exploded with a 1904 Evan Roberts-renewal of faith in the 1980s as the Armageddon-threat from the Soviets fueled the revival pandemonium once again. It waned with the fall of the Berlin Wall and with the collapse of communism on Nov. 9, 1989 after 28 years, 5 months and 24 days of the building of a wall to divide Germany into communist and free blocs. With the threat of communism theoretically erased with the fall of the Wall (even though the collapse of the Soviet Union was a ruse to disarm America), Americans once again drifted away from their faith. Frayed in the radical 1960s, patriotism and national pride in the United States seemed to crumble with the Berlin Wall. They simply put their Bibles in a drawer or on a shelf to await the next crisis when they might need God.

In Evan Roberts' 1904 world, the crisis was a world outgrowing its national skin and a group of transnational industrialists and bankers determined to sew together a global skin in order to create a world government controlled by them—a new political order led by the richest men in the world. Sound familiar? It should. That's when it started. Tomorrow is when it happens. The world was in danger from the moment of Evan Roberts' premonition of tomorrow. The Balfour Proclamation opened the door to the endtime, but the doorway was only cracked slightly. Other prophecies, that are today being fulfilled at warp speed have opened that door wide. That's what Evan Roberts sensed in 1904, and that is what fueled his determination to spread the Word of God through Europe.

Within six months, the Evan Roberts revival inspired over 100 thousand converts to join the churches in Wales. And, it was spreading far beyond the walls of the Moriah Church in Loughor. Everywhere in Wales, in the coal-mining Welsh countryside, changed lives were proclaiming "Diolch Iddo," (Praise God) as law enforcement officials proclaimed a pronounced reduction in drunkenness and public profanity. Coal miners went to their jobs directly from Church. To the dismay of the only tavern owner owner in Loughor, it took six months to sell the inventory of beer he had previously sold in six days. The Swansea County Police Court reported they did not have a single arrest for drunkenness during New Year's Eve in 1905.

The world was changing for the worse, and the Europeans knew it. As the 20th century peaked over the horizon, the world was rapidly outgrowing its national skin and the transnational industrialists and bankers were busy fashioning a new global skin to replace it. War was coming and world government was chasing it. Spirit-filled gatherings spilled out of the churches and into homes, barns, quarries, and even in working coal mines—any place where people conglomerated, and were ready to hear about the Pentecostal saving grace of Jesus Christ. It was almost like the first century AD, all over again.

For nine months Roberts traveled throughout Wales visiting every mining town. Newspapers were now reporting his every move—and the size of the crowds which flocked to his revivals to experience what Roberts called the rebirth of Pentecostalism. But, as suddenly as Roberts appeared, he disappeared in July, 1905. Exhausted from the intensity of his preaching schedule, Roberts suffered both a physical and an emotional breakdown. He surrendered his ministry to the other pastors he worked with who were only too willing to pick up the mantle which had become too heavy for Roberts to carry.

Roberts' physical and emotional breakdown ended his role as the leader of the Welsh Pentecostal movement. Church leaders in Wales and around Europe criticized him for quitting without knowing why he did. In one of his last revivals in Cardiff, Roberts met a Christian couple named Penn-Lewis who took Roberts into their home when he fell ill. He stayed with them on-and-off until his death in 1951. During his initial stay of eight years, he helped Jessie Penn-Lewis write the book, "War on the Saints." And, during that period, Penn-Lewis created and published "The Overcomer" magazine. She went on to write several other books. Roberts never wrote the book that would have been a Christian bestseller. He chose instead to preach when he could, and live in virtual obscurity. He died in September, 1951 and was buried without fanfare in the family plot behind the Moriah Chapel in south Wales.

Roberts' revival did more than ignite the spiritual fire in Europe that brought over 300 thousand souls to Christ. The Pentecostal spark Roberts ignited spread across three continents, igniting the flames of revival in Europe,. China and in the United States. The initial Pentecostal awakening in the United States is tied to the Keswick Conference at the Methodist Church on Southey Street, Keswick, England. It happened in 1905 when a Baptist preacher named Joseph Smale of the First Baptist Church of Glendale, California traveled to the Holy Lands to recuperate from a debilitating illness.

On his return, after hearing about a miraculous revival in Wales in which thousands of people were being healed of all manner of illnesses, Smale stopped in Keswick as Evan Roberts preached his salvation and healing message. Smale was so overwhelmed, he brought Roberts Pentecostalism to his home church, admonishing his congregation to seek God in a new way and experience a revival that only the Holy Spirit can bring.

As Smales' revival caught fire, hundreds came to the First Baptist Church—and hundreds fell to their knees, sobbing, and repented. While the Glendale Pentecostal experience was the same as the Keswick Experience, the Baptist deacons who insisted that the Gifts of the Spirit died when the beloved Apostle, John, died, rejected what they witnessed with their own eyes as a form of blasphemy. The only "gift of the Spirit," that now exists they insisted, is imparted on every person when they are baptized—it's called salvation. Rejected and ultimately released by the hierarchy of the Baptist Church, Rev. Smale moved downtown to Burbank Hall and started the "First New Testament Church." The most famous member of Smale's staff was William J. Seymour, a Black Holiness evangelist from Houston, Texas who studied under Evangelist Charles Fox Parham, a Holiness evangelist, in 1901 in Topeka, Kansas.

While Parham did not attract the media attention that struck Europe like a Welsh lightning bolt, word spread after the first Pentecostal experience in America happened at the Bethel Bible College in Topeka. Parham was preaching on Acts 2 when a student, Agnes Ozman asked Parham to lay lands on her so she could receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. She experienced glossolalia—the phenomenon of suddenly speaking in another and sometimes unknown language during a worship service, or during prayers, that is regarded as a sign of a special baptism by the Holy Spirit. Classes were suspended and the entire student body prayed for hours that day. Parham and some of his students embarked on a series of one-night revivals throughout Kansas and Texas at any church that welcomed them over the next couple of years. The media treated them with ridicule until a confirmed divine healing happened at their revival in Galena, Kansas.

In 1904, William Seymour, who was blind in one eye, left Parham and formed his own church in the home of Richard and Ruth Asberry on Bonnie Brae Street in Los Angeles. Believers continued to find the home church, and within months people were coming from all over LA County to the small home on Bonnie Brae Street. The crowds became so great that what was inevitable happened when too many people crowd into a house—the Asberry's home quite literally collapsed from too much weight. Seymour moved his church to a vacant Methodist Church in the heart of the industrial section of Los Angeles at 312 Azusa Street in 1906, and Evan John Roberts' Pentecostal Experience officially reached the United States. The Bonnie Brae home was eventually rebuild and became a shrine as the precursor of the Azusa Street Pentecostal movement that brought forward Godly preachers who would later head most of the major Christian denominations—like AJ Tomlinson who would later head the Church of God of Cleveland (Tennessee), William H. Durham, North Avenue Mission in Chicago became the leading center of the Pentecostal movement worldwide in the early part of the 20th century. He moved his ministry from Chicago to Los Angeles because he wanted his ministry located in the birthplace of American Pentecostalism. Other prominent Pentecostal ministers were A. H. Argue (from Winnipeg who started the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada), and E. N. Bell, who became the first superintendent of the Assemblies of God in the United States.

And, of course, there was Aimee Simpson McPherson who became the fictional character, Sister Sharon Falconer, in the movie adaptation of Sinclair Lewis' best selling book, Elmer Gantry. Most Christians associate Aimee Simpson McPherson, who was born Aimee Elizabeth Kennedy in Salford, Ontario on Oct. 9, 1890, with the Azusa Street Pentecostal awakening in the United States. But, when the Pentecostal movement began, Aimee was working with her mother in a Salvation Army soup kitchen in Canada. Sinclair Lewis fashioned his somewhat tarnished heroine after the attractive Aimee McPherson because of the never-ending rumors of infidelities. Lewis fashioned Elmer Gantry from her second and third husband, Harold Stewart McPherson and an actor and cabarets singer, David Hutton. It was McPherson who worked in his wife's revivals and made a failed attempt at preaching the gospel.

In 1918 he threw in the towel and filed for divorce. It was granted in 1921. That same year Aimee Simpson McPherson founded a permanent church called the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel—once again, in Los Angeles because the American people wrongly associated it the birthplace of the US Pentecostal movement. Aimee McPherson married Hutton in 1931. They were divorced in 1934.

A failure at marriage, McPherson was the perfect religious huckster. She was as successful a merchant evangelist as she was a political advocate for women's issues. She sold God like a fishmonger sells "the catch of today." There is no doubt that God called her into the ministry just as He called people like Dwight L. Moody, GB Cashwell, Reuben Torrey, Kathryn Kuhlman, Billy Sunday, Harry A. Ironside, Smith Wigglesworth, and other men of God as "fishers of men." But McPherson, who had a dark side, like other early 20th century evangelists such as AA Allen, Jack Coe, Charlie Price, and several others, who were in "the business" for the offerings, saw nothing wrong with giving God a helping hand by manufactured miracles to "build the faith" of their followers if not enough happened spiritually.

As peace settled over the world and prosperity reigned in America for about a decade between the world wars—from 1921 to 1931—church attendance plummeted. The New Yorker magazine reported in its Oct. 13, 1934 issue that "...with millions of people out of work and millions others having lost their life savings, one might have predicted (as many did at the time) that there would have been a strong resurgence of the church during the period of the Great Depression...[with] declining church membership and what many perceived to be a general decline in religious piety throughout the country, many clergymen saw the Depression as partly a heavenly response to these developments. Moreover, many believed that the suffering masses would quickly rush back into the church, swelling membership rolls, and seeking forgiveness for their folly. Yet while most major denominations did see an average membership gain of about 5%, this fell far short of the clergy's collective hopes..."

The princes of industry and the barons of banking and business struggled at the end of the "war to end all wars," to create a fantasy global economy tethered with steel shackles by the purveyors of world government through the failed League of Nations in 1920. Isolationist America refused to join the League of Nations because Article Ten of the Treaty of Versailles (where it was buried), required all member nations to surrender their external sovereignty to the League of Nations.

On Sunday morning, Aug. 12, 1941, almost four months before Pearl Harbor, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met in Placentia Bay off the coast of Newfoundland amid a virtual armada to protect the USS Augusta and the HMS Prince of Wales. They met in secrecy to divide the post-World War II world. Their objective that day? Remodel the failed League of Nations into a global governing body that the American people would accept. The agreement, called the Atlantic Charter, detailed the mutual goals of both nations in the post-World War II world—even though America would not be at war with the Axis nations for another 107 days. The declaration they signed would become the United Nations Charter on Jan. 1, 1942

On Dec. 7, 1941 World War II began with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR asked Congress for a declarations of war against Japan on Dec. 8. Three days later, on Dec. 11, Congress issued a similar declaration of war against Germany. On Dec. 14, 1941 the pews in America's churches once again filled as revival returned to America. And a new wave of patriotism swamped the hearts of the American people like a tsunami, as fearful Christians prayed for their nation and for a safe return of loved ones who were already joining up, or were being called up in the draft.

America had just experienced its first "9/11"—on Dec. 7, 1941. Evan John Roberts' revival was born again. America suffered 2,454 military dead and 961 wounded on the Japanese attack that began at 7:55 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 7 (1:55 p.m. in Washington, DC). The Japanese ambassador had asked for a meeting with US Secretary of State Cordell Hull at 1:00 p.m. to announce that Japan had officially broken off negotiations to avoid a war with the United States that the ambassador was to warn the Americans, was now inevitable. They were late for their meeting. Hull did not get to meet with them until 2:30 p.m.—thirty-five minutes after the first bombs dropped on Battleship Row on Ford Island's eastern side.

Sadly, it is always fear and trepidation and not the love of Jesus Christ that fill the pews of the nation's churches and bring calls for revival. For that reason, if for none other, based on that reality, the question that should be in the minds of Christians everywhere in the world today should be: "Are we about to experience mankind's last Christian revival?"

We have arrived at the end of the Book. The key players of the Endtime Drama that leads to the final act of the "play"—Armageddon—are all on the main stage: The Israelis. The Muslims. The Soviets. (Yes, I said "Soviets," not "Russians.") And, the Chinese. And even the bit players—the United States and its political allies—referred to not by name in Scripture, but simply as the "islands of the sea." (Keep in mind, in Bible prophecy, when a specific prophesy refers to "the land," it is talking about Israel. When the prophesy speaks of "the sea" it is referring to the Gentile nations.")

Before we move on to the last revival of man before the end, let me point out that the Book did not have to end this way. If you're a student of Bible scripture (and not even a really good one), you have to remember God's command to Saul to slay all of the Amalakites (1 Sam. 15:1-11) and especially, Amalek, their king. What is the significance of that passage? Amalek descended from Esau through his wife, Adah (Gen. 36:12). Through Amalek's seed the prophet of Islam, Mohammad, was born in 570 AD. Had all of the Amalakites died to the last man, woman and child as God ordered Saul, Mohammad would never have been born and Islam would not exist. As it is, Muhammad can trace his ancestry from Abraham to Esau and through Amalek to the Syrian Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who is the direct ancestor of Antichrist. From Antiochus IV we can trace Mohammad to King Abdullah II the Hashemite king of Jordan.

Here we are, today. Makes you realize we are a lot closer to the end of the Book than you thought, huh? Think it might be time for a revival? There are a lot of your friends and family who are still lost. That's what Evan Roberts felt in 1904 when he called out to God for revival. "Lord," he cried, "Let me see 30 thousand saved." Here we are, now, in 2012. The harvests of the Church of Philadelphia were sown by the revivals of the 20th century. And, while there may still be time for one more planting in what has become the Church of Laodicea, the winnowers are already threshing the wheat from the chaff. Soon they will clear the threshing floor and the winnowers will gather what's left of the good grain to store in the barn. The chaff will then be burned.

Remember how Evan Roberts' "revival" started? We've come full circle. It started when Sir Henry McMahon and Sir Arthur James Balfour cut separate deals with the Hashemite King, Hussein and Lord Walter Rothschuld on behalf of Europe's Jews, promising both a homeland in Palestine if they helped the British crush the Ottoman Empire.

As America comes fully to grip with what is really happening in the Mideast, they will finally realize how it's all going to end. They will realize that the "freedom movement" of the moderate Muslim seeking a parliamentarian democracy in the moderate Islamic states which tolerated other religions in the past, will quickly become Shariah compliant theocracies which Allah rules through the Brotherhood. The revolutions will overthrow moderate governments that coexisted with the West which will then be termed, in the media and on the evening news, as "despotic dictatorships" Eventually, all of them will be replaced with Shariah compliant governments largely controlled, or greatly influenced by, the Muslim Brotherhood that is now shaping the new Muslim world.

As the fear of Islam grows worldwide, you will see, and most likely partake in, the last revival of the pre-rapture Christian world. Knees chaffed from prayer in that last revival will determine whether or not God will grant man what Smith Wigglesworth saw in a vision of an end-time revival shortly before his death. He called it the greatest revival in the history of mankind. "I will not see it," he said, "but you shall see it...you will see the mighty works that He will do on Earth in the last days." Shutting his eyes as he spoke, Wigglesworth said, "I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind.. [God] said that there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say 'so many, so many,' because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus...It will be a worldwide situation, not local. A worldwide thrust of God's power and God's anointing on mankind."

Today, the Muslim Brotherhood, with the efforts of optimistic Muslims who think they can actually win their independence from despotic secular Muslim dictators through popular protest when what they are doing is being sacrificed by the Muslim Brotherhood to pressure the United States and its NATO allies to send fighter-bombers and armored vehicles to Damascus to crush the secular government of Bashir Assad. As Americans watch the slaughter of innocent protesters in Syria on the evening news, we are witnessing the reincarnation of the Ottoman Empire on the ashes of Muslim freedom ignited by a match struck by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood will achieve its goal—reuniting the independent Muslim states into an Empire. From that moment, the new Muslim Empire will begin the task of conquering the world. Through peaceful subterfuge at first, they will offer the olive branch—a peace treaty with Israel to disarm the world.

One Muslim leader, a man of intellect with meek, polite manners [Isa. 14:16] will pledge to negotiate peace between the Arabs and the Jews. He will craft the accord and 54 Muslim-dominated nations will sign it. It will appear this political messiah will have done the impossible. The world will praise him and seat him on the throne of power as the head of the world government. The pseudo-peace will last three and one half years. Then, Hell will erupt on Earth and the Israeli Jews will flee, once again, to Egypt. And, for the second time in history, the Egyptians will enslave them. The lost souls who reject Islam, and the left-behind fallen Christians will again cry out to God for revival. Revival, first century-style will come to those seeking the face of God. But, Tribulation salvation will clash with Shariah in a Muslim-dominated world. And, Tribulation Christians, like their first century AD counterparts, will find the pathway to salvation comes with a high price—martyrdom [Rev. 20:4].


Just Say No
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