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Tom Price on the Free Choice Act

When Congressmen Tom Price [R-GA] and Robert Andrews [D-NJ] appeared on CNN on Mar. 10, news journalist Rick Sanchez asked Andrews if "card check" makes it easier for unions to boost their membership. Skipping the question asked by Sanchez, the good liberal answered by saying: "I think what it does it make it easier for people to make a choice that's free from coercion and intimidation..." Like most Democrats who name the laws they enact with titles that promise the exact opposite of what they deliver, the Democrats called HR 1409 and S.560 the Employees Free Choice Act of 2009—because free choice is what you don't get. Andrews, chirping the party line, insisted that when employees lose the secret ballot they are suddenly free of intimidation.

The Secret Ballot Protection Act, HR 866, was put together by Congressman Charlie Norwood [R-GA] before he died on Feb. 17, 2007. Charlie was not there to fight this bill through Congress. We need to see a groundswell of Americans contacting every liberal in Congress and demanding that the House and Senate get this bill, not the laughable Free Choice Act, enacted and placed on Obama's desk. Then we need to dare Obama to veto it. We need to assure the Democrats that if this bill is enacted, they will be exercising their rights under the secret ballot to vote for one of two other candidates who will be filling their seats in Congress in 2012.

The Norwood Law will protect a bedrock right of the American people in the workplace—the secret ballot. The labor unions which labored so hard to get Obama in the White House did so because Obama campaigned on a promise to Big Labor that he would sign this measure into law. The secret ballot doesn't work for the labor unions of American since, under the secret ballot in the work place, union membership in the United States dropped from 20% to 12.4% over the last 25 years.

The Free Choice Act has absolutely nothing to do with giving workers "free choice." What it has to do with is a quid pro quo to the labor unions by the White House as repayment for their help in getting Barack Obama elected.




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