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Rachal Maddox raises the question: just how long can prolonged
detention be? The better question to ask should be: Who will be
detained? And where? The "how long?" As long as they want.

If you want to strip the American people of liberty, where better to do it than standing ostentatiously in front of an actual copy Constitution of the United States and pretending you care about the constitutional rights of the American people? After complaining that the former administration had incarcerated people at Gitmo without a trial...and without affording them their "constitutional rights"*, Obama outlined his plan to do basically the same thing under the guise of doing it collectively rather than singularly. When you listen to Obama, his words suggest he is only talking about the same Gitmo detainees (non-uniformed "soldiers" of Islam's Holy War against the Judeo-Christian world) that Bush was holding. When he spoke, that was who he was speaking about. Tomorrow, however, those words will more likely be applied to conservative, constitutionalist Christian Americans and battle-scarred military veterans who have already been defined by the Dept. of Homeland Security as the new threat to America.

* Although the far left US Judiciary has been steadily erasing liberty, particularly Christian liberty in the United States over the past 40 years, it has chosen to increase the umbrella of judicial protection over those who are determined to destroy the bedrock of liberty in America under the guise of civil rights. The American people need to understand that the Bill of Rights was not created by the Founding Fathers as a universal pledge to shield all people, or even all people on American soil, or even Islamic extremists who have never been in America (except to fly into skyscrapers and kill 3,000 plus US citizens). The Bill of Rights was created specifically and solely to protect the people of the United States (i.e., natural born or naturalized citizens of the United States) from the federal government (until the Jacobins in the US government drafted the 14th Amendment to expand the restrictions placed on them in the Bill of Rights to the Confederate States when they returned to the Union.) Illegals who enter the United States without permission, or enemy combatants or prisoners of war cannot have expectations of being accorded the rights of natural or naturalized citizens. Illegals and legal "visitors" must look to the UN Covenant on Human Rights for their "legal rights." Those who wage war against the American people should expect no rights not accorded to American prisoners held by their government or, at best, the rules established for prisoner of war conduct by the Geneva Convention. Uniformed prisoners of war are afforded Geneva Convention status. Under the rules of conduct in warfare, non-uniformed combatants may be construed as spies, and executed. The United States chose to classify them as "combatant detainees." As such, they, like standard prisoners of war, may be held until the end of the conflict. At no time ever in history's past wars, in any nation on Earth, were POWs given lawyers or granted the right to trial. War crimes trials generally took place at the conclusion of history's wars, with the winners judging the losers. But at no time during those wars were prisoners accorded the right to demand a trial because their presence in a battle zone was not prima facie evidence that they were participants in the war.


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