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20 years

eriodically, if we're Internet savvy, we receive a handful of those "remember when" emails scattered throughout the year. Those trips down Memory Lane are pleasant excursions for those of of us who who are old enough to actually remember the products or events described (but not so old that we've been sidetracked down Dementia Drive.) Fifteen-cent per gallon gasoline. Motor oil that cost 25-cents a quart. And gas station attendants who washed the bugs and dust off your windshield, checked the air in your tires and even your oil level—for free.

If you are too young to remember what a real "full service" gas station was like, put Back-To-The-Future in the DvD player and skip to the Texaco Station scene back in 1965. And, yes, a 12 oz. Pepsi was a dime. And, even though McDonald's didn't cough up the promotional bucks demanded by producer Bob Gale and Amblin Entertainment to have their name flashed on screen, in 1965 you could go to Mickey-D's for lunch—buy two cheeseburgers, fries and a soft drink for a half buck.

When I was a kid, "time-outs" were the space between the spanking and when your butt cooled off enough to sit down. When I was in high school, most male teachers had a large paddle, drilled with air holes to make sure paddle made solid contact with your behind when you got smart. I got the paddle once in math class. It felt like my teeth were momentarily jarred loose and bit my scalp. What was worse than that swat was the one I got from my dad later that same evening.

I grew up in the Ward and June Cleaver world. My neighbors could have been Jim and Margaret Anderson if my parents had money. More realistically, we would have lived next door to Chester Riley or one flat up or down from Ralph Kramden. Father may not have always known best, but Big Brother was careful not to intrude in the lives of the American people by openly snubbing the US Constitution because, in the days of black and white TV, the Bill of Rights was still respected by the courts—and government was still largely subservient to the people.

Although both were gingerly testing the elasticity of the Constitution—the high court had already violated the 1st Amendment's prohibition on creating laws that curtailed or openly banned the free exercise of religious liberty by arrogantly coupling a comment made by Thomas Jefferson—a man with deep religious convictions—in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association with the 1st Amendment itself to create a wall of separation between the people and their right to worship openly and freely.

The Danbury, Connecticut Baptists complained to President Jefferson that the Connecticut legislature decided that religious rights were not immutable. Jefferson assured the Danbury Baptists that no State legislature could enact any law to interfere with man's right to worship since those rights are inherent and, Jefferson noted, the Constitution places a wall of separation between the State and the church to prevent legislators from abrogating the right of the people to worship God in any manner they chose.

It took the money barons who manipulated the UN as a global replacement for the failed League of Nations two decades to figure out that patriotism and religion were so indelibly bonded together that the American people would never allow the dissolution of the US borders as long as either remain rooted in liberty. The globalists within the US government—and those who have successfully bribed it—clearly understand that the taproot of liberty in America is a two-prong tuber—patriotism and Christianity. To kill this nation, both patriotism and Christianity must die. The full-blown attack on Christianity began in 1989 when the American Bar Association and the ACLU launched a new form of lawsuit to attack Christianity as a racist religion. When liberty can no longer be construed as God-given, it becomes a retractable right.

The Pledge of Allegiance—a loyalty oath to the United States—was written by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, on Sept. 7, 1892. He wrote it to help erase the psychological wedge that still divided the North and South 27 years after the Civil War. President Benjamin Harrison was the first head of State to publicly recite the pledge on Columbus Day, Oct. 12, 1892.

During the Spanish-American War Bellamy's 15-second recitation opened the school day in every public school in America. In 1940 a Jehovah's Witness, Walter Gobitis, sued the Minersville School District for forcing children to pledge their allegiance to the United States at the same time Adolph Hitler was forcing German children in Europe to pledge allegiance to the Third Reich.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Minersville School District v. Gobitis, 310 USC 486, that students in public schools could be required to recite the pledge. In 1943, the court reversed itself in West Virginia State Board of Education v Barnette, 218 US 624. Walter Barnette was also a Jehovah Witness. The reversal was the result of FDR's appointment of Wiley Rutledge in February, 1943. Rutledge—a Unitarian—voted against the Pledge. Recently retired Associate Justice James Bymes had voted for it. Congress officially overruled Rutledge and the liberals and made Bellamy's 15-second recitation an official national pledge on December 28, 1945.

The attack on Christianity went into full swing in Everson v Board of Education (1947) and McCollum v Board of Education (1948) after President Harry S. Truman introduced Sir Julian Huxley's UNESCO into the public school system in 1946. Huxley, an original social progressive (when they were simply called communists), issued a scholastic directive entitled "Classrooms With Children Under 12-Years of Age" which accused the parents of school age children of harming their children by instilling in them a Christian ethic and patriotic pride. Huxley observed that "...[b]efore the child enters school his mind has already been profoundly marked, and often injuriously, by earlier influences...first gained...in the home." Later in the text, Huxley noted that "...it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes." Among the worst things that "infect" the family, Huxley reiterated, were religion and patriotism. Huxley, like the social progressives of today, blamed the parents for being bad influences by teaching their children Christianity, morality and patriotism. Maybe that's why it takes a village of social progressives to raise a child. They're all teachers who teach amorality, atheism and globalism.

Associate Justice Hugo Black led the majority—Chief Justice Fred Vinson and Associate Justices Stanley Reed, William O. Douglas, and Frank Murphy—held that taxpayer dollars could be used to supply school bus transportation to parochial schools. However, even though it appeared to be a 5 to 4 vote approving Everson's position, the people lost because Everson confirmed the Establishment Clause that placed the "wall of separation" theory into the 1st Amendment. Most of the minority views agreed with the majority on what has become known as the Establishment Clause which incorporated Jefferson's Danbury letter into the 1st Amendment—something that doesn't make sense since Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, had absolutely nothing to do with framing the Constitution. So, unlike the Federalist Papers which were positional arguments of the logic applied by the Founding Fathers who put the Constitution together, Jefferson's letter to the Danbury, Connecticut ministers was not a positional statement on the Constitution. Codifying his letter into law would be like codifying a letter from Hugo Black's aunt to the jurist—or perhaps even from a next door neighbor— raisiing a question on some point of law mentioned in passing, incorporated because it served as a bridge to help the court leapfrog a point of law. The justices appear to have been grabbing at political straws to help justify the UN position based on Julian Huxley's view on the dangers of Christianity.

The majority view was that the "...establishment of religion clause of the 1st Amendment means...[n]either a State nor the federal government can set up a church. Neither can pass a law which aid one religion, aid all religions or prefer one religion over another, Neither can force nor influence a person to go to, or remain away from, church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church attendance or nonattendance. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion. Neither a State nor the federal government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and visa versa in the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between Church and State."

When the social progressives—thanks to close to 100 straight years of Democrat control over the US Senate (which advises and consents on all Presidential appointments) took majority control over every aspect of the federal judiciary at district, appellate and high court level, they fought hard—even during the 8 years that the Senate was controlled by the Republicans to make sure that only social progressives—who would agree to couple European Union legal decisions with the US Code were making the decisions that judicially amended the US Constitution—were nominated to sit on any federal bench.

In 2006, US Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg attended a symposium on international law sponsored by the South African Constitutional Court. When asked by the South African judges, Ginsburg told her audience that the Republican-controlled Congress would arbitrarily terminate any debate on any proposed law that would allow the US federal judiciary to cite international legal decisions as a precedent when considering cases before them. Ginsburg admitted the GOP majority would enact whatever laws were necessary to prevent US judges from incorporating foreign legal decisions into the US Code.

Thanks to the Christian conservatives in whose best interest it was to have a conservative judiciary, they collectively decided to sit out the Election of 2006 to teach the Republican Party a lesson because they were ticked off with George W. Bush over his proposed illegal alien amnesty plan. Conservatives, for some strange reason, have an overwhelming sense of obligation to cut off their noses to spite their faces. In close elections, the far left can count on the religious right surrendering to them them the reins of governance because the GOP candidates fail to pass their theo-political litmus test. Instead, they allowed the social progressives to seize control not only of the US Senate but the House of Representatives as well.

Anyone who has studied the political history of the United States for more than five minutes realizes that, in 2008, one of two candidates is going to become the President of the United States. That person will be either a Democrat or a Republican. It won't be the Unity Party's candidate. Nor will it be the Constitution Party's candidate, the Green Party's candidate, or any third party candidate. It will be the Republican nominee or the Democrat nominee. Anyone who has studied the political history of the United States for more than ten minutes understands that third party candidates are simply political pawns used by the money barons backing the major party candidates to drain enough votes from the nominee who would win in an honest two-party race to place the candidate of the money barons in the White House. How does it work? Just ask Pat Buchanan, who figured it out when he won the nomination of he Reform Party (which gave former Reform Party nominee Ross Perot tons of press), and discovered his name wasn't even mentioned in the news article that announced he'd just won that party's nomination for President.

Only the third party candidate who has been anointed as a "spoiler" by the money barons gets press coverage. The purpose of the spoiler is to confuse the voter. A percentage of the voters who would have otherwise cast their vote for the nominee whose views were politically closest to the spoiler, will cast their vote "on principle"—and elect the candidate the money barons need to win. In Buchanan's case in 2000, any vote cast for him was actually a vote for Al Gore, Jr. While the George Soros organization wanted people to vote for Buchanan, the free enterprise Rockefeller forces did not.

A vote for Green Party candidate Ralph Nader was actually a vote for George W. Bush. Nader got good press coverage almost daily. Had Buchanan been hit by a car while campaigning in Wisconsin (one of the States he won for Gore), its not likely the story would have headlined the evening news outside of Wisconsin, or appeared as an "above the fold" headline in any newspaper in the country (a headline visible in a newspaper rack). Buchanan was the invisible candidate in th media since the money barons wanted to elect Bush-43.

Even more invisible are the transnational money barons who actually decide who is going to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue House—a year or two before you think you are actually picking the candidates who will vie for the job.

Back in 1947 small town America was a good place to live or raise kids. Our heroes were all movie stars or sports figures. None of them used steroids or drugs. Or rather, if they did, they kept it a great big, deep, dark secret. Heroin addicts (the drug of choice in the 40s) didn't last long when the monkeys-on-their-backs became public knowledge. The public had no patience—or forgiveness— for false heroes. Toxic pop tarts like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton would simply be thrown out with the trash. You could leave the keys in the ignition of your car, or behind the sun visor, and find your car still parked in the driveway the next morning.

In 1947 a 30-year old—who would soon become the most invisible man in America—entered the game of global politics. It would be 1960, with the death of his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. that David—the youngest sibling of John D., Jr.—became the patriarch of the Rockefeller family's various fortunes by simply outliving all of his siblings—including the Rockefeller family heir apparent, John D. III. Had his father not died before his grandfather, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV [D-WV] would now be the most powerful man in the world. (And, you thought the most powerful man in the world was the President of the United States.)

In 1947 David Rockefeller joined the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [CEIP] that was headed by communist spy Alger Hiss. Prominent on the board were people like John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen (the first head of the CIA)—who were also shareholders in the Federal Reserve (and also in-laws of David Rockefeller). Also prominent in the CEIP were Thomas Watson, head of IBM, and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower—who warned the American people to beware of the industrial-military complex when he left office in 1961. Rockefeller was instrumental in moving the CEIP across the street from the UN Building, with a Chase Manhattan Bank branch located on the first floor of that building. Rockefeller became the youngest Director of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1949, at age 32. He added the title "banker" to his resume in 1946 when he joined the family bank—Chase National Bank (which would ultimately become JPMorgan Chase. On the death of his father he became the CEO of what was then Chase Manhattan Bank. He now heads every Rockefeller enterprise—which includes Standard Oil and, through it, Exxon-Mobil and what remains of the Seven Sisters.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund [IMF] which were created to finance the rebuilding of Europe at the end of WWII, came from the board room at the Rockefeller Foundation. The first three presidents of the World Bank: John J. McCloy, Eugene Black and George Woods, were all Chase executives before taking on that job. The fourth, James Wolfensohn, was also a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1965 Rockefeller and several of his globalist billionaire friends formed a group called the Council of the Americas to expedite the integration of the Americas.

In 1992 the Council put together the structure for NAFTA. Rockefeller was convinced that President George H.W. Bush would not be able to sell the package to the union-backed Democratic majority. Rockefeller personally gave Bush-41 the bad news. He would not be reelected that year.

Bush, a team-player with an 89% popularity rating, took the news gracefully. They needed a Democrat who wouldn't have a problem selling out America to the transnational industrialists who wanted to trade the replacement market of America for the human capital-rich third world with millions of potential consumers who only needed jobs to become the core consumer of the 21st century. The co-presidency of Bill and Hillary Clinton had the right credentials. They would do just about anything for power—and money. But, in agreeing not to campaign hard enough to win in 1992, Bush-41 cut a deal for his son to follow Clinton to the White House. (My prediction of the 2000 election—posted on my old subdomain website in 1997—was based on information received from a Clinton Administration official. The winner of the Election of 2000 would be Texas Governor George W. Bush with either Dick Cheney or James Baker as his running mate. The losers would be Vice President Al Gore. Jr. and Sen. Joe Lieberman.) Had Pat Buchanan not been in the race, Bush would have had an easy win without the Florida twist at the end.

I still have clear memories of the America of my youth when the melting pot called the United States was Eden on Earth. It contained a virtual hodgepodge of people from all the nations in the world. They were the ingredients of the stew of life that collectively became the greatest nation on Earth. Those who came for 200 years—with or without papers—came in search of opportunity and liberty. They did not come in search of a free ride. They came looking for work and a chance to make this new place their home.

The price of admission was the willingness of the new citizen to be assimilated into the melting pot where there were no such things as hyphenated Americans—or multinational citizens. No Asian-American, African-American, Irish-American, Italian-American or any other Americans other than US citizens. As quickly as they could, the adopted Americans wanted to be assimilated into their new home and into this new society that offered such promise for prosperity. Speaking English was a prerequisite to citizenship because to be a functional member of this society, each new citizen has to be able to communicate with their fellow citizens.

But, in the view of the globalist members of the Council of the Americas, the United States has reached what can best be described as the "zenith of its value" to the money mafia. Twenty percent of the world's employed labor earned 80% of the world's payroll. As far as the princes of industry were concerned, the equation was out of balance and needed to be adjusted at the cost of the jobs of the American factory worker that industry could no longer afford because those workers no longer needed the volume of products industry could afford to manufacture if they had customers to sell those goods they could actually produce.

The sweat equity of this immigrant nation saved the world during two world wars. The investment in sweat equity by the American worker built the financial empires of the lords of industry, the barons of business and banking and the merchant princes who now view the nation which birthed them as nothing more than a replacement market for consumers who possess everything and only need to buy when a product they use becomes obsolete or breaks.

In the third world are millions of people who literally have nothing and need everything—beginning with a job that provides the worker with enough income needed to become a consumer. That was. after all, the reason for NAFTA. And that was the reason for the Council of the Americas—and that was why David Rockefeller told George H.W. Bush that Nov. 7, 1993 was not going to be his night.

And today, that's the reason George H.W. Bush is working hard to help Hillary Rodham Clinton win the White House even though the Article II, Sections 1 thru 5 of the United States Constitution specifically denies Hillary Clinton the right to run for the job. And, while the Clintons are once again running as a "Buy-One-Get-Two," presidential team, on Feb. 27, 1951 the States ratified the 22nd Amendment which specifies that no person who been elected twice can serve as president. Hillary is prevented by Article II, Sections 1 thru 5 from running for the office of President, and Bill Clinton is prevented by the 22nd Amendment from being her unofficial co-president—even though this is precisely what David Rockefeller wants since neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton will hesitate for a moment to surrender US sovereignty to the global government of the UN.

Mr. and Mrs. America, we have just one more chance to get it right and return the United States to the nation it was when America was a real place.


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